The Roberts Family has been farming here for more than 150 years.
Our Angus-cross cattle are raised on pasture on our NC Century Family Farm.
Our berries have been a neighborhood favorite since 2009.
Ritchie and Beverly Roberts were both raised on family farms. Ritchie was on a diversified crop and livestock farm in North Carolina, and Beverly was on a dairy farm in Florida. After spending the first couple years of married life in the foothills of NC, they decided to move back to Ritchie's home farm. With the plan to raise their own family with the traditions and values which were instilled in them, they began farming. Along with their children, they now make the fourth and fifth generations to work the soil on their Northern Orange County farm.
In 2009, they started providing farm fresh products direct to the consumer. Beginning with berries and grass-fed beef, the possibilities are endless. Watch for new products as they continue on their journey.
Be sure to join the mailing list to be updated on new products as they become available.
As part of goal to raise our family in the agriculture tradition, we want to care for the farm and leave it for generations just as our ancestors left it for us. To that end, we take a holistic approach to our farming methods and planning.
We choose to use management intensive grazing (also known as rotational grazing) as our master farm plan. By rotating the cattle to new pastures everyday or every few days, we can
The cattle destined to become Double R beef receive mainly grass, forage, and stored grass and forage. Recent events of 2020 caused us to give small supplements of a commercial feedstuff. At no time do the cattle receive antibiotics or growth promotants. If an animal is sick or injured, it is treated accordingly. If treatment requires antibiotics or other pharmaceuticals, it is removed from our retail program and sold through traditional means.
Our beef is sold by the piece or by the bovine. We offer various cuts to mix and match your own preferences. We also offer bulk packaging. Talk to us about your needs.
If you ever wonder how we plant strawberries on this scale, this is how it is done.
After the soil is prepared and the black plastic beds are made, we use a tractor and water-wheel planter to get the job done. Trays of strawberry plugs are stacked no the planter and off we go.
As the planter passes over the plastic beds, the wheel punches holes in the plastic and puts a little water in each of the holes.
An able-bodied helper is poised to hand-plant a plug in each hole. With two people walking behind, each plant finds a home and each hold finds a plant.
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